Comunidade NationStates Portugal
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The Least Corrupt Governments in Portugal Virtual

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The Least Corrupt Governments in Portugal Virtual Empty The Least Corrupt Governments in Portugal Virtual

Mensagem  Sarvoya Qui Out 24, 2013 6:35 am

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

1. The Community of Galiza RP (Galiza)
2. The Republic of Almada RP (Almada)
3. The Confederacy of Sarvoya RP (Sarvoya)
4. The Kingdom of Portusgaal (Portugal)
5. The Confederacy of Lapalia RP (Lapália)
6. The Constitutional Monarchy of Krebesh (Krebesh)
7. The Swedish Kingdom of Portugal and Africas (Suécia/Commonwealth)
8. The Empire of 2 de Julho Bahia (Nova Salvador)
9. The Republic of Triestin v2
10. The Fiefdom of 7I

Mensagens : 857

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