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The Nudest in Portugal Virtual

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The Nudest in Portugal Virtual   Empty The Nudest in Portugal Virtual

Mensagem  Sarvoya Sáb Ago 04, 2012 7:57 pm

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

1. The Republic of Almada RP (Almada)
2. The Confederacy of Sarvoya RP (Sarvoya)
3. The United States of Astartica (Astartia)
4. The Community of Galiza RP (Galiza)
5. The Most Serene Republic of S Paulo (Piratininga)
6. The Empire of Gothorum (Japão)
7. The Kingdom of Portusgaal (Portugal)
8. The Confederacy of Lapalia RP (Lapália)
9. The Republic of Triestin v2 (Triestin)
10. The Fiefdom of 7I
11. The United States of Framsta
12. The Empire of 2 de Julho Bahia (Nova Salvador)

ooc: visitem as praias nudistas de San Andreas lol!

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